Welcome! Benvenuti!
I'm looking forward to helping you communicate in Italian
Non vedo l'ora di aiutarvi a comunicare in inglese
I can translate - interpret for you REMOTELY
This is how

Hello! Ciao! Salut! Hola!
If you are looking for an experienced simultaneous, consecutive, and liaison interpreter
(= spoken language translator), you've come to the right place.
I work with English, Italian, French, and Spanish.
Most of my clients come to me for the English < > Italian combination,
my mother tongue and my "virtual" mother tongue.
French and Spanish came into my life at a later stage, but I did live in France and Quebec for 5 years,
and in Spain for at least two if we count all of my stints there.
I am a dual citizen, Italian and American. I was born and raised in Italy.
I have lived and worked in Manhattan, New York, for 18 years.
I hold a graduate degree in interpreting from the prestigious "Scuola Interpreti di Trieste", Italy.
This University program was originally conceived to train interpreters for the European Union institutions.
I learned a lot there - we were treated like we were meant to become brain surgeons.
To some extent we were - interpreting is way more complex than most people realize.
Still, it did prepare me very well for all the incredible opportunities that came my way later in life.
Anyway, I graduated summa cum laude in 1998.
Since then, I've done a million other things, not necessarily interpreting-related.
I was an ESL teacher for adults, an 8th-grade teacher, a pharmaceutical market research analyst,
an in-house translator and editor, a Rosetta Stone consultant, and a headshot photographer,
I trained as a business counselor, as a Family Constellations according to Bert Hellinger facilitator,
and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
Over the past 18 years, I've devoted myself primarily to my original passion, interpreting.
Moving to New York turned out to be a perfect choice because it offered me amazing opportunities
such as freelancing for the United Nations, the Italian Consulate and Cultural Institute, Museums such as MoMA,
or meeting filmmakers such as Oscar winners Paolo Sorrentino and Jaques Audiard,
Sean Penn and Helen Mirren, and many others.
I've worked with President Obama, President Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.
I'm looking forward to working with YOU now!
Remote Simultaneous Interpreting

Since March 2020, everyone's professional life has pivoted online.
For me, this transition was very smooth,
because I had been doing remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI)
on dedicated platforms, such as Kudo and Interprefy since 2017.
Even just on Zoom, you can select a second language channel with a simple click,
and you will hear my voice in your language as opposed to the original speaker.
I work from a state-of-the-art office with a lightning-fast Internet connection and the best microphones.
I am thrilled to report that since March 2020, I've worked remotely at countless high-profile events,
with great satisfaction on all sides.
Remote interpreting is a great fit for many businesses.
I'll be happy to consult with you to guide you through the most suitable option for your needs.
Simultaneous Interpreting
Simultaneous Interpreting

This means that I will interpret in real-time what you are saying or hearing.
I will need equipment - headsets and a microphone for me, headsets for you.
It generally done in a booth, or with portable radio equipment.
I will be happy to help you rent that, as well - I collaborate with a number of good equipment agencies.
I work as a simultaneous interpreter at the United Nations, for financial advisors visiting investment companies, for formal conferences, training seminars, or market research focus groups, etc.

Consecutive Interpreting

This means that you speak your language, I take notes while you do, and then I repeat what you just said in another language. I pride myself in "never skipping a beat" - over the years I have developed my own sophisticated note-taking technique, therefore you can speak as long as you want, and I'll retain it all.
Feel free to express yourself, I won't interrupt you.
We'll quickly figure out the best pace for the two of us to keep your audience engaged.
I now do this REMOTELY as well, using software such as Zoom or MSTeams or WebEX
I do this a lot for depositions, for Q&As after film screenings with filmmakers and actors,
for writers presenting their books, for bilateral meetings between politicians at the United Nations
Liaison / Whispering Interpreting

This is a bit of a blend of the other two methods.
It's in real-time just like simultaneous interpreting, with no equipment like consecutive interpreting.
I whisper into your ear while someone else speaks, and I do the same for your listeners
when it's your turn to speak.
It is only suitable for very small meetings, in quiet environments, often on the informal side.
I tend to avoid it as much as I can.
However, there is one setting in which I use it 14 hours a day: film sets.
When I work with filmmakers, I follow them around on set and this option is the only feasible one.
Here you see me whispering into Paolo Sorrentino's ears, while Sean Penn and David Byrne are talking to him about a scene in his 2011 movie "This Must Be The Place"

Do you need my services?
I am based in New York, NY - United States of America
I also have a home in Como, Italy
I am open to traveling all over the world for assignments
Also, in this day and age geography is less and less important I can work remotely for you from a New York studio, no matter where you are.
Let's discuss the details